General Changes for 4.34
The following general changes have been made for the 4.34 release:

A maintenance screen is now displayed for users of ebs websites while the system is being upgraded.
During an upgrade, the system looks for a file named app_offline.txt in the root of the website and renames to app_offline.htm if available. If not, a default file is used instead.
The maintenance screen can be customised for each site, if required.

The following changes have been made:
- The following institution settings have been added.
Screen | This field | Holds this information... |
Ontrack | Content-Security-Policy default-src directive | A range of settings for the new Content Security Policy. |
Content-Security-Policy child-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy style-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy img-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy script-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy font-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy connect-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy frame-src directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors directive | ||
Content-Security-Policy report-uri directive | ||
Ontrack Learner | Staff Absence Evidence Reference |
The reference to be appended to an uploaded document in the Absence Reporting wizard in ebs: ontrack Hub. This defaults to 'Evidence submitted by staff'. Refer to Ability for a tutor to record learner absence for further information on the new functionality. |
Reports and Reporting Services | Use reports cradle or reports viewer to display reports in Ontrack? | Whether to use Report Cradle or the new Report functionality in ontrack Hub to view reports. |
ILR Output Path This is new for 4.34 Service Pack 1. |
The default ILR output path. Users can specify their own path in ILR Options, if required. However, schedules elements use the institution setting values. |
NI General (Cross-System) |
CDR Output Path This is new for 4.34 Service Pack 1. |
The default CDR output path. Users can specify their own path in CDR Options, if required. However, schedules elements use the institution setting values. |
Users with the Institution Settings role (in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group) can now add, edit and delete custom institution settings on the new Custom Institution Settings screen in Reference Data.
Parameter names must be prefixed with 'U_'.
Once saved, these can be viewed and used on the Custom screen in Institution Settings.
This screen is only available if at least one custom setting is defined.
The Start time to use when viewing ebs4 Agent timetables institution setting (on the Ontrack screen) has been renamed to Start time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables
- The End time to use when viewing ebs4 Agent timetables institution setting (on the Ontrack screen) has been renamed to End time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables

The short and long descriptions of the various Run Reports roles have been amended so that they are more meaningful and consistent (for example: the 'Run Reports' role in the ebs: shape Timetables group has been renamed to 'Run Reports - Timetables'.

You can now select Not complete Grade in Grading Schemes reference data to prevent module results being generated when partial results are entered. Completed modules will generate a result or display an N grade as appropriate.
Service Pack 2 Changes
The following changes have been made for 4.34 Service Pack 2:

The following institution settings have been added.
Screen | This field | Holds this information... |
ePayments (Self-Service) | Network User ID |
The network user ID. The value (maximum 30 characters) entered in this field is transmitted for Civica Paylink. |
ePayments (Staff) | Network User ID Prefix |
The network user ID prefix. The value entered is a prefix added to the member of staff's username for Civica Paylink (for example: if the institution setting (maximum 20 characters) contains 'TRIBAL\' then TRIBAL\<> is transmitted). If this setting is blank, the member of staff's username is transmitted without the prefix. |